Optional TMEA Pre-Area Rehearsal
Monday, October 29, 2018
Georgetown High School [map]
2211 North Austin Avenue
Georgetown, TX 78626
Dropoff/Pickup is in the front of the school:
The clinic will focus on the Pre-Area literature and tips for sight-reading in the audition room.
Students should bring the following pieces:
- Misericordias Domini
- Schicksalslied
- Psalm 23 (SSAA)
- Ave Maria (TTBB)
- 5:30 – Rehearsals begin
- Dinner break in the middle – Mr. Clark will coordinate this evening
- 9:30 – Scheduled ending time. Last year, the students did not work until 9:30pm on the literature. If you decide to leave during the sight-reading portion (near the end), please let Mr. Clark know.