Bigs and Littles

Bigs/Little Family Social – Tuesday, November 10, 2020

We will be having choir bigs/littles this school year! The student officer team has been working diligently to plan a virtual event that will be accessible and fun for all Westwood choir students. Bigs have been notified of who their little is for the 2020-21 school year. If you did not receive an email, that means that you are a little! Please check below for your assigned time to come by WHS before the Zoom event. Please do not come if you are not scheduled to in order to make this as organized as possible.

  • BIGS 4-5pm: 
    • Drop off an optional note and/or small gift for your little at the front of the WHS campus (there will be a drop box). You may drop off stuff for your little at any point before Tuesday, November 10th @ 5pm.
    • You will be able to pick up your 2020-21 Choir Goodie Bag (t-shirt, s’mores, etc) at this time as well
  • Littles 5-6pm:
    • You will be able to pick up your 2020-21 Choir Goodie Bag (t-shirt, s’mores, etc) at this time as well as anything your big may have dropped off
  • Zoom Event @ 7pm through a link posted on Schoology @ 6:45pm 11/10/2020.